

Bmore Health Coach Yoga

By | classes, jcc, yoga Weekly Women-Only Yoga Class Schedule


DAY                         TIME                          TYPE OF CLASS

Sunday            11:00am-12:15pm            Restorative Yoga

Monday             8:30pm-9:45pm              Gentle Yoga & Meditation

Thursday          9:00am-10:15am             Gentle Yoga & Meditation
Thursday          7:30pm-8:45pm               Restorative Yoga

Contact MindiMeira at, call or text 443-527-1727 to RESERVE YOUR SPACE*, or for DIRECTIONS.

*Classes with less than 4 confirmed may be canceled at the discretion of the instructor.

Yoga Classes are $15/class; 6 classes for $75 (prepaid).

Prepaid classes expire 3 months from registration.

Private Sessions Available.

                    ~~YOGA-FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH & RELAXATION~~

chakras sukhasana

Graduation Speech from Yogali Institute

By | Uncategorized, yoga

MindiMeira’s Graduation Speech from Yogali Institute                                                                      June 18, 2013

To My Dear Teacher Shevi, and Fellow Yogis, Shoshana, Sara, Rivka, and Dena,
Thank you!!

Thank you for the opportunity to learn and practice “yoga,” to connect and grow in a heartfelt way with each of you, to deepen the connection to myself spiritually, and for enhanced mental and physical health.  I extend tremenduos gratitude to you all for your support and encouragement in helping me to create meaningful connection with others, through the mediums of Yoga and Meditation.

Shoshana, I am grateful for every ounce of effort you (and your husband) put into creating a safe, clean and local studio for our practice. Your focused efforts to find an observant Jewish teacher of the highest standards are truly bearing fruit. The dedication, love and support you showed me both brought me to the class and enabled my return. Moreover, my self-esteem blossomed, in large part because of you.  I cherish our friendship and aspire to your level of lovingkindness and generous, committed friendship. Your gracious attributes and devotion to sharing yoga and meditation are already benefiting our community. Namaste.

Rivka, Dena, and Sara, I cherish the time we spent together, connections we made, and learned from each of you as well. Your grace, sweetness, and presence added dimension and beauty to each class. You are all wonderful yoga teachers and I am certain that your students will benefit greatly from your instruction.

Shevi, my Teacher, I really appreciate your willingness to travel from Silver Spring. You have demonstrated great love, and patience towards us all, as you skillfully guided us from the status of students to teachers. I will be forever indebted for your teachings and commitment to assisting me in completing and attaining my certificate, despite the loss of my dear mother, A”H.

My personal intention when taking this class was to establish a regular personal meditation and yoga practice. The fact that I have now created a Yoga Studio in my home, was hired by the JCC, substituted Sunday yoga, the busiest class of the week, the Power Yoga Monday class, and have taught 7 classes, is nothing short of radical and amazing.

I also must mention my dear husband, Nisan Blaxberg, who encouraged me every step of this journey, essentially making it possible. Nisan pitched in at home, drove carpools, spent time with the children, shopped, cooked, and did whatever needed to be done to help me in attaining the serenity I so craved this year and have found through the teachings at Yogali.

This speech would be incomplete without expressing my overflowing gratitude to Hashem (G-d).  He provided the funds to the exact penny when I realized that tuition was beyond my means and carried me through the year, remaining by my side at all times.. With His continued Grace, I daven that I will be a teacher who impacts others for the highest good, and who promotes deep connection and healing.Thank you!!
MindiMeira Blaxberg

My Spring Training

By | Uncategorized, yoga

Spring Training…..I thought it would be all about baseball this year….(read last post.)  Boy, was I wrong!!

Two days after I quit Yoga Teacher Training (for no good reason, purely on meditative insight and emotion), my Mother of blessed memory, suffered a massive stroke. With my brave husband’s encouragement (brave because we have several young boys at home and he works) I dropped everything and caught the last flight from BWI to FLL to be by my mother’s side. Eight exhausting days later, she passed peacefully, with her family nearby, in the beautiful atmosphere and setting that is Hospice by the Sea.

It was a month of turbulent emotion and intense familial bonding, to say the least. My sweet Mother will be remembered fondly by all whose lives she touched.

A week after I returned home, it came to me, again in meditation, that I had a great desire to return to Yogali Institute and attain my Yoga Teaching Certificate. My clarity is what was astonishing. There had been a barrier within to even talking or thinking about it and POW, I was emailing the instructor to find out if it would be possible for me to return and graduate with the class.  Luckily, I was welcomed back wholeheartedly by the teacher and my classmates.  I taught my first class to wonderfully positive feedback. And my second!

Looking around my rather large open spaced basement, I suddenly visualized a Yoga Studio. And now I have taught a few classes in that “under-construction” space.  This wasn’t a long-term well thought out plan. Teaching yoga brings me JOY. Teaching Yoga is a gift.

Yoga is the outcome of my Spring Training.

I am so grateful!!


Please click the YOGA tab of the HOME page on this site to view my teaching schedule.