“I read about Restorative Yoga. You literally rest in poses. Rest. I need rest. Restorative delightful rest.
I call MindiMeira about some health question.
She says ” Just come to my studio.”
I say “Sure + 2 kids and a dog.”
I enter. I smell amazing smells, hear beautiful sounds and I rest. She puts bolsters under my feet, sandbags on my arms, a weighted cushion on my eyes. Piano notes float in the air.
I need more. So I stay there. She quietly shows my kids around and they feel the healing peace too.
We don’t want to leave.
The dog barks. Ok. Time to go.
Um.. wait. I need more. A lot more.
I’m signing up for her classes. So is my daughter.
And BMore Health Coach is now going to be giving a restorative yoga class to the lucky women of The Redemption School at the end of each training.
And to think she was a few blocks down this whole time.
Rest folks, we need rest. God knows it. He sent me there. And healing and love. Meira is good at those too.
Sign up to her classes. It is dreamy ( and affordable.)” Rivka Malka Perlman 3/1/17

“I have been privileged
“I came for 3 months and consulted intensely on diet and exercises. I listened and did everything she said. She taught me to do everything myself at home. After 3 months achieved goal of 20 pounds lost and over 2″ off upper arms, over 4″ off my waist. I will be doing SlowBurn for life. Two times a week is not a hard thing to do.” ~ D.F.
“MindiMeira teaches me Yoga. I used to think that yoga was not for me- until I met MindiMeira. Her classes (both gentle yoga and restorative yoga) have been a revelation for me on many levels, both mind and body. After just a few classes I found myself automatically making adjustments to the way I stand, sit and walk. Improving my body mechanics, together with my increased flexibility, went a long way towards eliminating the lower back pain that has plagued me for years. MindiMeira is a master teacher and I appreciate her emphasis on proper form as well as her infinite patience and warm encouragement.Today we live such busy and stressful lives and that stress takes its toll both on our bodies and our minds. The first few times I came to MindiMeira’s restorative yoga class I couldn’t “turn off” my mind; it was torture to try to maintain a pose while my entire to-do list, as well as all my worries and concerns, kept racing through my head. Very quickly, however, MindiMeira taught me how to completely “relax in my body,” and now, after an hour of restorative yoga, I feel like I’ve taken a mini-vacation and am better able to face the day with calm and strength.Having spent decades believing that yoga was only for other people, I am amazed at what a difference these classes have made in my life. Having MindiMeira as a teacher has been a true blessing.” ~Karyn T.
“Meira is my personal trainer. I go to her for slow burn exercise. She is fantastic and has helped me tremendously. Normally I hate exercise, but with Meira, I find it enjoyable. She has increased my strength dramatically. I am 62 and it is now much easier to keep up my my young grandchildren. Thanks, Meira!” ~Nancy F.
” I used Meira for personal training in the slow burn method at least 5 years ago. She taught me so well that I was able to purchase my own equipment and begin exercising at home. Slow burning is still a part of my exercise routine on a weekly basis, so many years later. It works! Without Meira’s detailed instruction, however, I would not have been able to do it on my own. Her knowledge and expertise is clearly evident and she is extremely warm, patient, and dedicated to the client. In addition, I learned many health and nutrition tips which I benefit from to this day. I highly recommend Meira!”
~A grateful client, R.B.
“After Spring Session 2014 of Gentle Yoga & Meditation and Restorative Yoga MindiMeira gives her body and soul to this teaching. This is not “standard” go-through-the-motions-of teaching yoga; it is a full teaching for the mind, body, and soul, created as an exquisitely sensitive experience for multitasking women in our stressful culture. There is no one like MindiMeira!”
“Having Mindi Blaxberg as my personal coach has been an amazingly blessed experience! I love Mindi for her glowing, positive energy that’s infectious (like lightning in a bottle!) yet also gently holding place for wherever you are. I’m so grateful for her vibrant approach to unleashing my inner artist ~ by helping me explore my strengths, clarify goals, and visualize dreams in living color! Mindi’s intuitive heart for recovery, her background as a dynamic yoga instructor, and certification through Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching, all give her a deeper understanding of what works and motivates in moving toward optimum health, balance, and lasting transformation. I can’t recommend Mindi highly enough! She is an exceptional life coach!”
~Rhonda McDowell ~ Certified Master Coach, artist, retired special education teacher
After Gentle Yoga & Meditation Class
“Thank you Meira for an amazing Yoga Class this morning. I’ve been to many other yoga classes, and yours by far surpassed the ones I’ve been to. Your one on one attention, detailed instruction, warmth, and spiritual connection, all combine to create a powerful feeling in that room. I look forward to returning!”
~T. F.
After student’s first ever Yoga Class:
“I loved it, Meira! I was shocked at how much. Funny, but even that one hour made me so aware of my body-how I sit, walk, etc. I have TMJ, too and I find that my jaw doesn’t hurt quite as much! I am really looking forward to trying out the restorative yoga- I told someone that I think I might need to live in your studio for a while! Thank you.” (This is from a person who used to think that yoga was simply the punchline of a bad joke.)
On Inner Child Visualization and Self-Connection Counseling
“Mindi/Meira was an excellent healer for me to work with. She immediately made me feel comfortable as I entered the session, and we accomplished important goals together in just a few short sessions. I highly recommend Mindi/Meira! (And my best recommendation is that I plan to continue working with her myself).”
~D. S.
Reviews Originally Posted on thumbtack.com
thumbtack.com Reviews
- 5/5 stars April 3, 2014
She is an excellent hands-on yoga instructor, very aware of her students and their postures. I really enjoy her class and feel calm, yet invigorated.Audrey P.
- 5/5 stars April 3, 2014
I attendedMeira’s Restorative Yoga class and it was amazing. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours.Meira was patient and took the time to go over to everyone making sure that they were in the right position to get the most out of the pose;Debbie B.
- 5/5 stars April 3, 2014
I have attended yoga class withMindimeira. A master of her craft, she is a dedicated, caring and nurturing instructor. The end of her classes comes too quickly, though, leaving the student wanting more!Ruth H.
- 5/5 stars April 2, 2014
Mindimeira combines the rare traits of gentleness and strength in her service of others. She is a compassionate woman who holds space for the grief and pain of others, while giving them the very real sense that they are not alone, and that she has the knowledge and expertise to help them learn how to help themselves. I truly endorse her excellent work. She is a very gifted and talented human being who warms up any room just by her presence.Rochelle M.
Mindimeira B. from B More Health Coach replied to this review on April 3, 2014:Thank you, my friend. I am deeply warmed by your wonderful review.
- 5/5 stars March 31, 2014
IattendedMindimeira’s yoga class and found it relaxing and easy to follow. I eat her bread and cookies and find them light and yummy.AndIloveMindimeira because she is caring, open, and loving.Max H.
Mindimeira B. from B More Health Coach replied to this review on April 1, 2014:You know, the secret ingredient in the Baked Goods is L
- 5/5 stars March 31, 2014
Icanhonestlysaysheisvery professional and an angel sent from God. She helped me find the lost sides of me.Mindi handles difficult subjects with grace and ease. I am sogratefultohavesomeonewhounderstandsandcaresaboutthe the inner and outer parts of you.Sherie B.
Mindimeira B. from B More Health Coach replied to this review on April 1, 2014:It is an honor to guide you on this journey. So sweet of you to submit the review.
- 5/5 stars March 30, 2014
Meira walks the talk. She embodies everything she teaches from the inside out. Always growing, always learning. And, of course, always sharing. It’s an honor and a blessing to have her as my ally on my journey!Shalomis W.
Mindimeira B. from B More Health Coach replied to this review on March 30, 2014:I appreciate your beautiful words! 🙂
- 5/5 stars March 30, 2014
TheworkIdidwithMindiMeira was deep and healing, in a way that was not invasive.. I found her knowledge and ability to reach and to teach me to reach my “inner child” powerful and effective. I recommend her.Danielle S.
Mindimeira B. from B More Health Coach replied to this review on March 30, 2014:It is a privilege to explore this healing path with you. Thank you for the affirmative review!! 🙂